小豬 需要高手幫我翻譯三隻小豬的英文版 到野狼的圖案就可以了 XDD英文版網頁http://www.shol.com/agita/pigs.htm麻煩了
Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes.很久以前,有三隻小豬到了該離家獨立並尋找未來的時候了。Before they left, their mother told them " Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world.在離家之前,他們的媽媽對他們說:「無論你們做什麼事,要盡全力去做因為那是存活世上的唯一方法。」The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do.第一隻小豬用稻草建了一間房子,因為用稻草很輕鬆。The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a little bit stronger than a straw house.第二隻小豬用木棍造了一間房子,而木屋比稻草屋稍堅固了一些。The third little pig built his house out of bricks.第三隻小豬則用磚塊蓋了一間房子。One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. 一天晚上,一隻非常喜歡吃胖小豬的大壞狼看到第一隻小豬在他的稻草屋裡。He said "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"他說道:「小豬小豬讓我進去,不然我會把你的稻草屋吹跑。」"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig.「盡管來吧~你做不到的」小豬說道But of course the wolf did blow the house in and ate the first little pig.想當然的,大野狼吹跑了房子並吃掉了小豬。The wolf then came to the house of sticks.接著,野狼來到了木屋前。"Let me in ,Let me in little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in" 又說道:「小豬小豬讓我進去,不然我會把你的木屋吹跑。」"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. 「盡管來吧~你做不到的」小豬說道But the wolf blew that house in too, and ate the second little pig.大野狼還是吹跑了屋子並且吃掉了第二隻小豬。 參考資料 因為補充過多..直接重回答了..這裡的答案有稍稍修改喔..
很久以前, 三隻小豬已經到要離開家裡, 去自己生活了. 在他們離開前, 豬媽媽跟他們說: "無論你要做什麼, 都要全力以赴, 因為這是生存的基本條件." 第一隻小豬用稻草蓋了他的房子, 因為他覺得那是最簡單的.第二隻小豬用木條蓋了他的房子, 這筆到草屋又堅固了些. 第三隻小豬用磚頭蓋了房子.一天晚上, 一隻喜歡小肥豬的壞野狼看到了稻草屋, 他說"讓我進去, 讓我進去 ! 不然我吹倒你的房子."小豬說 " 就算我下巴長鬍子也不讓你進來!" 可是大野狼還是吹倒了房子,吃了小豬.大野狼又到了木頭的房子."讓我進去, 讓我進去 ! 不然我吹倒你的房子." 小豬說"就算我下巴長鬍子也不讓你進來!" 可是野狼還是吹倒了他的房子, 然後吃了他.野狼又到了磚頭屋. " " 讓我進去, 讓我進去!" 野狼喊 "不然我吹倒你的房子" 小豬說" 就算我下巴長鬍子也不讓你進來" 野狼吹又吹, 可是吹不倒他的房子可是這隻奸詐的野狼爬到了屋頂上, 想辦法要進去小豬的磚頭屋

三隻小豬的故事,三隻小豬東風,三隻小豬英文,三隻小豬作者,三隻小豬改編版,三隻小豬劇本,三隻小豬節目,三隻小豬心得,三隻小豬的真實故事,三隻小豬圖片三隻小豬,小豬,英文版,Once upon a time,three little pigs,a little bit stronger,高手,野狼,Whatever you do,XDD




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