
!!英文短文 英翻中 中翻英中衛中心 急~~!!英文短文 英翻中 中翻英 請幫忙翻譯一下 請不要用線上的翻譯軟體 !務必照相信的中文意思翻譯!!謝謝!!!中翻英!!1.Mark你會把我安排再那一間旅社,接下來我一個星期的行程是什麼?包括什麼時候分發工作?什麼時候搬家?什麼時候做健康檢查?什麼時候申請社會安全碼?2.請問我的薪水是如何計算及何時可以領薪水? 請問薪資中是否會扣除其他費用?如果有會扣除那些費用?3如果我想延長工作日期,需要提供什麼文件或是什麼條件才可延長?4.請問回台灣後,最後一次薪資及房屋押金要如何領取?!英翻中!!1. Job placement will be assigned upon arrival.Hawaii’s starting wage may very from $6-$10 for non tip positions and $2.5 or more plus tips for tip positions.2. First paycheck may take up to 4 weeks after arrival.Pay check will be issue twice a month and you can expect to receive your paycheck on every 10th and 26th of the month. If payday falls on the weekend,you can expect to receive your paycheck on the following Monday. Pay period of each work site may not be the same as the others.3. When we bring you to your housing, please prepare to pay first month rent in cash($450) to our representative before you move in. Total rent amount for 3 months minimum=$450*3=$1350.A$225 rent deduction will be deducted form the 2nd ,3rd ,4th pacychecks only. We will not deduct rent form any other paycheck specified above.很急喔~~!! 麻煩一下了 謝謝
.Mark你會把我安排再那一間旅社,接下來我一個星期的行程是什麼?包括什麼時候分發工作?什麼時候搬家?什麼時候做健康檢查?什麼時候申請社會安全碼?Mark. Which hotel will I be staying? And what’s my schedule for the following week? When the job placement will be given out? When to move? Health check and when to apply for social security?2.請問我的薪水是如何計算及何時可以領薪水? 請問薪資中是否會扣除其他費用?如果有會扣除那些費用?How do I get paid? Also is there any deduction from my payroll? If there is any, what is that?3如果我想延長工作日期,需要提供什麼文件或是什麼條件才可延長?If I want to postpone my return, what paper I need to prepare so I can stay longer and work.或If I want to extend my stay to work, what paper I need to submit?4.請問回台灣後,最後一次薪資及房屋押金要如何領取?After I go back to Taiwan, how do I get my final payroll and housing security deposit?英翻中!!1. Job placement will be assigned upon arrival.Hawaii’s starting wage may very from $6-$10 for non tip positions and $2.5 or more plus tips for tip positions.工作的分發會在你到達時給與. 夏威夷的基本工資給從事不拿小費的職位從$6 - $10不等和拿小費的從$2.5或更多小費的職位2. First paycheck may take up to 4 weeks after arrival.Pay check will be issue twice a month and you can expect to receive your paycheck on every 10th and 26th of the month. If payday falls on the weekend,you can expect to receive your paycheck on the following Monday. Pay period of each work site may not be the same as the others.在你到達之後,第一次薪資可能會最多要等上四星期. 薪資是一個月兩次, 通常會在每個月的10號跟26號領取, 如果正好在周末就是星期一發薪, 每個地方的發薪制度不一定都一樣.3. When we bring you to your housing, please prepare to pay first month rent in cash($450) to our representative before you move in. Total rent amount for 3 months minimum=$450*3=$1350.A$225 rent deduction will be deducted form the 2nd ,3rd ,4th pacychecks only. We will not deduct rent form any other paycheck specified above.當我們帶你去住的地方時, 在搬進去之前, 第一個月的房租請勿必準備現金($450)給我們的接洽人員. 三個月的房租為 $1350.(他說minimum也就是還有更好但要付比較多錢的房間). 你剛開始的第二, 三跟四的薪資會從中扣取 $225的房租. 之後就不會再扣除任何的費用.差不多就是這樣了Good luck and have fun.
1.Mark, could you tell me which hotel are you going to check me in? what will be my schedule for the following week? and I have more questions, regarding when will I be assigned to the job? when shall I move? on what day shall I take my physical check-up and when shall I apply for the SSN?2.Could you explain to me that how my salary is being calculated and when will I get paid? Is there any fees or charges deducted from my paycheck? If yes, what will that be?3.If I would like to extend my working permit, what kind of documentation I should provide, and what are the conditions in order for me to extend it?4. And, once I have decided to go back to Taiwan, how would I be able to get my last paycheck and my housing deposit? 1.在到達時,將即刻會分派給你工作;在夏威夷,無小費工作基本工資是由美金六元到十元不等,而有拿小費的工作則是二塊五美金起跳另加小費。




1.Mark, could you tell me which hotel are you going to check me in? what will be my schedule for the following week? and I have more questions, regarding when will I be assigned to the job? when shall I move? on what day shall I take my physical check-up and when shall I apply for the SSN?2.Could you explain to me that how my salary is being calculated and when will I get paid? Is there any fees or charges deducted from my paycheck? If yes, what will that be?3.If I would like to extend my working permit, what kind of documentation I should provide, and what are the conditions in order for me to extend it?4. And, once I have decided to go back to Taiwan, how would I be able to get my last paycheck and my housing deposit?

英翻中 中翻英,paycheck,rent,中 中,may,薪資,. 夏威夷,tip,the same as,representative


參考資料: 中衛中心

    創作者 知識收藏處 的頭像


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