香港交易所文件英翻中香港會展中心 香港交易所文件英翻中急 Directors’Declaration and Undertaking in favour ofThe Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Form B”)Every director of a company which is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) is required to complete and swear as a statutory declaration the directors' declaration and undertaking contained in Form B.The Stock Exchange takes any breach of the requirements of Form B extremely seriously and there have been instances where false information has been provided and the directors concerned have been publicly censured by the Stock Exchange. We therefore advise you to read very carefully the questions and statements contained in Form B to ensure that the answers given to relevant questions are correct.1. Procedure for completing and making the declarationPart I of Form B must be sworn as a statutory declaration before a solicitor, Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public or Justice of the Peace (if in Hong Kong). Part I must be completed fully: in particular, the details of other directorships held, as required in paragraph 2, should specify the exact date or, if not possible, at least the month and year when they were taken up.You should also note the undertaking to be signed by you in respect of your powers and duties as a director of the Company in Part II of Form B. This is required to be signed by you and dated.2. Consequences of a false declarationThe penalties under Hong Kong law for swearing a false statutory declaration are severe and include the possibility of criminal prosecution involving possible imprisonment of up to two years and a fine under the Hong Kong Crimes Ordinance.In addition, under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, the provision of false or misleading information to the Stock Exchange and/or the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) may also lead to criminal prosecution involving possible imprisonment of up to two years and a fine of up to HK$1,000,000.
董事的聲明和承諾,贊成的香港聯合交易所有限公司("表二") 每一個董事,而該公司是上市就在香港聯合交易所有限公司( "聯交所" )是必須要完成,並誓為法定聲明董事聲明及承諾書所載的形式乙。






2 .後果虛假聲明刑罰根據香港法律宣誓虛假法定聲明是嚴重的,包括可能性刑事起訴可能涉及最多監禁兩年及罰款根據香港刑事罪行條例。

此外,根據證券及期貨條例,提供虛假或誤導性資料,向證券交易所和/或證券及期貨事務監察委員會( "證監會" )也可能會導致刑事起訴可能涉及最多監禁兩年及罰款高達港幣1,000,000元。

參考資料 網路
承擔’主任Declaration 和傾向於香港證券交易所被限制(“形式”B)是列出的在香港證券交易所被限制公司的每位主任( “證券交易所”) 被要求完成和發誓作為法律聲明主任的聲明和承擔包含以形式B 。

證券交易所極端嚴重採取形式B 的要求的任一個突破口並且有是假的資訊被提供了的事例並且主任有關由證券交易所公開地責備了。

我們勸告因此您非常仔細地讀問題和聲明包含以形式B 保證, 答復被給相關的問題是正確的。

1. 方法為完成和做聲明第部分I 的形式B 必須發誓作為一個法律聲明在一位討生意者、委員為誓言, 公證員公眾或治安法官之前(如果在香港) 。

第部分I 必須充分地被完成: 特別是, 其它管理者的職位細節舉行, 按照要求在段2, 應該指定確切的日期或, 如果不可能, 至少月和年當他們佔去了。

您應該並且注意事業由您簽字關於您的力量和責任作為公司的主任在第部分II 的形式B 。


2. 一個假的聲明的後果懲罰根據香港法律為發誓一個假的法律聲明是嚴厲的和包括邢事訴訟的可能性介入二年和罰款的可能的監禁根據香港罪行法令。

另外, 在證券和未來法令之下, 假或引入歧途的資訊供應對證券交易所並且/或者證券和未來委員會(“SFC”) 也許並且導致邢事訴訟介入二年和一筆罰款的可能的監禁由HK$1,000,000 決定。

我也同意樓上的意見 !發問者要的英翻中文章要花不少時間打字, 點數太少真正英文高手可能不會願意幫你解答的唷如果你給20點, 至少會有超過五人以上來幫你解答, 這樣你獲得的選擇更多, 答案也將更精確不妨參考

Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited,Stock Exchange,statutory declaration,Hong Kong,Securities and Futures Commission,false declaration,criminal prosecution,香港,香港聯合


參考資料: 香港會展中心

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