傳遞喜訊-翻成英文wedding invitation card 傳遞喜訊-翻成英文 要幫友人製作一張喜帖邀請卡,國外用煩請大家幫我翻成英文,友人雖在國外,可是他的英文實在不靈光,怕印出來笑掉老外大牙,封面標題字會有wedding invitation翻開來想用英文標題為:囍卡,傳遞喜訊,召告大家,一起為倆人幸福做見證這要如何翻成英文,有沒有更簡潔英文單句接近這個意思
A wedding invitation(喜帖)Like the card (喜卡)Transmit good news(傳遞喜訊) Call together and sue everybody(召告大家)Witness happily for two people together(一起為倆人幸福做見證)這是最簡單的提供給您參考~
It does not make sense in English if you do translate the sentence literally. English does not work the same way as Mandarin. The closes I can think of is the following:With great pleasure, we would like to invite you to witness the happy matrimony of the coupole (may i suggest that instead of the couple you use [name] and [name].)Don't use "sue" -that might be 告 in chinese, but in English, you "sue" someone when you want to bring someone to court in a lawsuit.

wedding invitation card,wedding invitation samplewedding invitation,英文,傳遞,邀請卡,喜帖,大牙,標題字,煩請,友人,喜卡


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1608033107745 wedding invitation card


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