MLB MLB信件翻譯~ 如題~Dear 2009 MLB.TV® Premium Monthly subscriber,MLB.TV Premium is back and better than ever, just in time for the first Spring Training™ game on on March 2, 2010. We are pleased to activate your annual automatic renewal subscription for 2010. As a loyal customer, your subscription is priced at the same low regular season price as last year - only $19.95 per month. That’s $5 off the full 2010 regular season monthly price! Watch over 150 Spring Training games (without blackout restrictions) and all 2,430 regular season games live or on demand - almost 100 games are streamed LIVE each week. 2010 MLB.TV PREMIUM ENHANCEMENTS: We have improved MLB.TV Premium for the 2010 season and made the online viewing experience better than ever. MLB.TV Premium includes all the great 2009 features such as HD-Quality (where available), live game DVR functionality, and choice of home and away broadcasts...PLUS now MLB.TV Premium subscribers who also own the At Bat 2010 application can watch LIVE games on the iPhone® and iPod Touch®! (An application for the iPad will be available for purchase soon.) Now you never have to miss a single play. Take a moment to view the MLB.TV Premium product demo. MLB.TV PREMIUM UPGRADE OPTIONS: As thanks for being a loyal customer, we would like to extend to you the opportunity to upgrade to MLB.TV Premium Yearly. Upgrade now and pay only $109.95 for the entire year. That's $10 off the 2010 full regular season price (less than $14 for each month of the season). Click here and we will upgrade your subscription to MLB.TV Premium Yearly. There is no action required for you to continue your current MLB.TV Premium Monthly subscription. The credit card you have on file with us will be charged $19.95 on or about March 1, 2010 with monthly billing during each month of April through October. To update or confirm your credit card information, simply click here.
唯一重要的訊息是We are pleased to activate your annual automatic renewal subscription for 2010他們已經藉由啟動[自動續訂功能]替你續訂一年了$19.95 per month每月$19.95 美金因為你是續訂戶所以這價錢比2010年每月訂購公定價便宜5美金現在春訓熱身賽也看得到Upgrade now and pay only $109.95 for the entire year. That's $10 off the 2010 full regular season price (less than $14 for each month of the season). Click here and we will upgrade your subscription to MLB.TV Premium Yearly. 如果你想升級為功能更多的MLB.TV Premium 就點選這個連結續訂戶一年$109.95 美金比全球季訂購的公定價便宜10元比每月訂購公定價便宜14元If you have any questions about your subscription, please e-mail MLB.TV Customer Service at subscriptions* or call 866-800-1275. (International customers please call 512-434-1542.) 如果你對訂購有任何問題就用英文發e-mail 給客服MLB.TV Customer Service: subscriptions*在美國就打客服專線866-800-1275人不在美國打 512-434-1542If you wish to opt-out of the annual auto-renewal feature beginning in 2011, click here. 如果你要停止從2011開始的[每年自動續定]功能請點選此處
I'd like to cancel my subscription.寄信到客服信箱

automatic renewal,season price,MLB,loyal customer,Spring Training games,application,Customer Service,Premium Monthly,subscription,Spring



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