幫我翻譯成英文!!關於餐廳的謝謝了wedding banquet 幫我翻譯成英文!!(關於餐廳的)急急急~謝謝了 2008年農曆七月婚宴優惠專案妳的幸福,我準備好了!凡活動期間於****舉辦喜宴NT$13,999+10%以上,滿基本桌數20桌以上,即可享有至多星全安聯合住宿券5張等超值好禮。

2008 lunar July's wedding banquet promotional packageYour happiness, is ready right here!Between the period of XXXXX, All those that hold a wedding banquet of NT$13,999+10% per table or above, with a minimum of 20 tables or above, may receive complmentary gifts that includes 5 x 至多星全安聯合 accommodation coupon etc ◎ Event duration/valid from:◎ Enquiry hotline: 參考資料 國外餐飲系畢/16年華僑
Wedding Package Offer in 2008 lunar calendar in July, Your happiness, I prepared!Every activity period holds the happy feast to **** aboveNT$13,999+10%, completely above the basic minimum booking of 20 tables, then will has 5 entertainment tickets at star class union lodgings and so on the ultra value good ritual.◎ active period: ◎ inquires of the special line:

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參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1608051904883 wedding banquet

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