誰可以翻這個 拜託了wedding banquet 誰可以翻這個 拜託了 With an uncanny ability to bring different worlds to life,Lee has proven audiences that he is indeed a world-class director. Lee got started by capturing the world of ethnic Chinese living in the United States in the films pushing Hands and The Wedding Banquet.
With an uncanny ability to bring different worlds to life,Lee has proven audiences that he is indeed a world-class director.靠著不可思議的能力把不同的世界顯現出來,李安已經向觀眾證明了他確實是位世界級的導演。

Lee got started by capturing the world of ethnic Chinese living in the United States in the films pushing Hands and The Wedding Banquet. 李安崛起於在推手和喜宴這兩部影片中捕捉了旅美中國族裔們的內心世界。

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參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1609061700146 wedding banquet

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