致癌物質 什麼是 質詞?? 在英文文法書上,看到"質詞"這個詞!!英文的對照 是 particle !書上並別特別的說明!有人明白 "質詞" 是什麼嗎??可否舉例說明?? 愈詳細愈好 :p 謝謝!另外,什是是 副詞質詞(adverb particle)?? 可以舉例說明嗎???感謝喲 !! :)
這裡有些網路查得的資料,希望有幫助:英語學習者能夠精通介系詞用法的唯一方法是不斷的練習及密切注意慣用語時間介系詞 (Prepositions of Time): at,on,和 in我們使用 at 來指定特定的時間:The train is due at 12:15 p.m. 我們使用 on 來指定日期:My brother is coming on Monday. We're having a party on the Tenth of October.我們使用 in 來指定一天、一月、一季或一年中非特定的時間:She likes to jog in the morning. It's too cold in winter to run outside. He started the job in 1971. He's going to quit in August. 地方介系詞(Prepositions of Place): at,on,和 in我們使用 at 來指定特定的地址:Grammar English lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham. 我們使用 on 來指定街道等名稱:Her house is on Boretz Road. 我們使用 in 來指定陸地區域 (鄉鎮、縣市、州省、國家和洲):She lives in Durham. Durham is in Windham County. Windham County is in Connecticut. 位置介系詞(Prepositions of Location): in,at,on 及零介系詞In :(the) bed*the bedroomthe car(the) class*the library*school*On:class*homethe library*the officeschool*workAt :the bed*the ceilingthe floorthe horsethe planethe train 零介系詞 :downstairsdowntowninsideoutsideupstairsuptown * 對這些位置,你有時可以使用不同的介系詞。

行動介系詞(Prepositions of Movement): to 及零介系詞我們使用 to 來表示朝向某個地方的動作:They were driving to work together. She's going to the dentist's office this morning. 對於 home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs 等字,我們不用介系詞:Grandma went upstairs. Grandpa went home. They both went outside. 時間介系詞: for 和 since我們使用 for 來度量時間 (秒鐘、分鐘、小時、天數、月和年):He held his breath for seven minutes. She's lived there for seven years. The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries. 對於特定的日期或時間,我們使用 since:He's worked here since 1970. She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty. 介系詞與名詞,形容詞和動詞介系詞有時與其他字緊密結合而幾乎可以當做一個字來看待。



名詞與介系詞 approval ofawareness ofbelief inconcern forconfusion aboutdesire for fondness forgrasp ofhatred ofhope forinterest inlove of need forparticipation inreason forrespect forsuccess inunderstanding of 形容詞與介系詞afraid ofangry ataware ofcapable ofcareless aboutfamiliar with fond ofhappy aboutinterested injealous ofmade ofmarried to proud ofsimilar tosorry forsure oftired ofworried about 動詞與介系詞apologize forask aboutask forbelong tobring upcare forfind out give upgrow uplook forlook forward tolook upmake uppay for prepare forstudy fortalk aboutthink abouttrust inwork forworry about 動詞與介系詞的結合被稱為片語動詞 (phrasal verb),而與動詞結合的介系詞則被稱為質詞 (particle)。


慣用語與介系詞agree to a proposal, with a person, on a price, in principle argue about a matter, with a person, for or against a proposition compare to 是在顯示相似性,compare with 是在顯示相異之處 (有時是相似性)。

correspond to a thing, with a person differ from an unlike thing, with a person live at an address, in a house or city, on a street, with other people 不必要的介系詞在說英語時,許多人會有個不好的習慣,那就是在不必要的地方使用介系詞,這些介系詞( )應全部刪除;我們也必須特別注意不要在正式,學術文章中使用不必要的介系詞。

She met (up with) the new coach in the hallway. The book fell off (of) the desk. He threw the book out (of) the window. She wouldn't let the cat inside (of) the house. [或使用 "in"] Where did they go (to)? Put the lamp in back of the couch. [應使用 "behind" 才對:Put the lamp behind the couch.] Where is your college (at)? 平行結構中的介系詞當兩個字或兩個片語採用平行結構且需要相同的介系詞才合乎慣用語的用法 (亦即才是正確的慣用語) 時,這個介系詞不必使用兩次:You can wear that outfit in summer and in winter.The female was both attracted by and distracted by the male's dance.然而,當片語的慣用語用法需要不同的介系詞時,我們必須注意不能省略這兩個介系詞中的任何一個:The children were interested in and disgusted by the movie.It was clear that this player could both contribute to and learn from every game he played.He was fascinated by and enamored of this beguiling woman.
"adverb particle"看起來很像「介係詞」但實際上卻不是。


簡單的說,"adverb particle"看起來像「介係詞」但是並不是真的像介係詞拿來放在名詞前面來跟其他詞組連接的,而是拿來作為修飾動詞用。

例如"cut down the tree"的"down"主要是來修飾"cut"的動作要做到"down"的程度。

所以它也可以擺在名詞後面寫成"cut the tree down"....

中文慣用語,英文慣用語,日文慣用語,慣用語活用,慣用語動詞,慣用語填空,慣用語中的動詞,美國慣用語,慣用語字典,慣用語導航慣用語,英文文法,介系詞用法,時間介系詞,密切注意,Prepositions of Place,jog in the morning,argue,形容詞,時間




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