匯率報價的買賣價差比買賣外匯 匯率報價的買賣價差比 我想請問匯率報價的買賣價差比Percent spread(價差比)=[(ask price - bid price)/ask price]*100ask price=賣價bid price=買價我很疑惑的是公式的分母怎麼會是放賣價呢?通常這種比值分母不是都該放成本(買價)我若觀念有誤,煩請各位點醒。


我想請問匯率報價的買賣價差比Percent spread(價差比)=[(ask price - bid price)/ask price]*100(每次的買賣 外匯交易員皆須賺取價差利潤 所以Ask價大於Bid價不論是volume quotation 如英鎊 歐元; 或是Price quotation 如日幣 台幣)ask price=銀行賣價(你的買價)bid price=銀行買價(你的賣價)我很疑惑的是公式的分母怎麼會是放賣價呢?(習慣上買賣價差比 以對銀行買價的升水premium表示 也就是約定俗成)通常這種比值分母不是都該放成本(買價)(如果是這樣的話 那麼就是貼水discount表示的一種方式)我若觀念有誤,煩請各位點醒。


(每次的買賣 外匯交易員皆由價差賺取利潤 習慣上買賣價差比以對銀行買價的升水表示 也就是約定俗成)以下供參考 在下曾任外匯交易員 歡迎一起研究http://savingstalk.com/other-investments/forex-terms-definition-417/ Spread: The difference between the bid and offer (ask) prices of a currency; used to measure market liquidity. Narrower spreads usually signify high liquidity. 貨幣的買賣價差 用於衡量市場流通性 價差小代表市場活絡http://www.bsu.edu/classes/rrathina/course/unit2_6.htm Every time the currencies are bought and sold, the foreign exchange dealers make a profit. The bid and ask prices are further explained below: The Bid/Ask Percent Spread is given by: [ (Ask - Bid) / Ask ] * 100 = [(0.4724 - 0.4664)/0.4724] * 100 = 1.2701 percent. This should be read as the Ask price being at a premium of 1.2701 percent with respect to the Bid price. Obviously, one can compute the discount with respect to the Ask price, by dividing by the Bid price. It is customary to express the Bid/Ask Percent spread as a premium with respect to the Bid Price.BID-ASK PRICESForeign CurrencyBank QuotationYou/MNCBank/Foreign Exchange DealerBuySellsAsk = Mininum price the bank will accept for the currency in question SellBuysBid = Maximum price the bank will pay for the currency in question
ask price=賣價→供應商要賣給你的價格,對購買者是買價bid price=買價→供應商要跟你買的價格,對購買者是賣價EX. 去銀行買美金,你要看即期賣價 或 現金賣價,相對的美金要換回台幣則看即期買價 或 現金買價不知道這樣有沒有解答你的疑問
Percent spread(價差比)=[(ask price - bid price)/ask price]*100(每次的買賣 外匯交易員皆須賺取價差利潤 所以Ask價大於Bid價不論是volume quotation 如英鎊 歐元; 或是Price quotation 如日幣 台幣)ask price=銀行賣價(你的買價)bid price=銀行買價(你的賣價)我很疑惑的是公式的分母怎麼會是放賣價呢?公式=括弧內"( )"應該是賣價減買價,這樣才對喔之前我也不知道公式要怎算

匯率換算,匯率查詢,美金匯率,日幣匯率,歐元匯率,澳幣匯率,人民幣匯率,台灣銀行匯率,即期匯率,港幣匯率匯率,買賣,外匯交易員,分母,Price quotation,謝謝各位,with respect to,英鎊 歐元,foreign exchange dealers,日幣 台幣


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1007100603378 買賣外匯

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